Saturday, October 18, 2014

Prompts for Lewontin/Darwin, Week 2

Lewontin in the News

Go read some articles in popular but respectable sources which touch upon genetics (example: the science 
section of the New York Times). Either use Lewontin to make an article about the essay, or use the essay to make an argument about Lewontin. You especially need to show a good understanding of the relevant parts of Lewontin. Do not stop by using, for instance, Lewontin to show what is right or wrong or problematic in a particular article: show us why that matters. How does our understanding change by reading one through the other?  You must change articles between this week and last, if you are doing the same prompt twice, and you must make use of the second half of Lewontin.  This is not a revision of last week's assignment.

I originally indicated that there would a second prompt here, but changed my mind.

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