Brooke Kihle
Professor Johns
Seminar in Composition
Determinism is Incomplete
Imagine specific characteristics that make you who you
are, singularly determined by your genome. Your openness to new things, tendency
to murder, or hair color are all created from specific genes woven together
into your DNA. An individual’s DNA encodes our genome, which essentially is the
instructions to how we develop and function- who we are- through a combination
of genes and non-coding sequences of the DNA/RNA. This theory is classified as
genetic determinism; the ideology that “who we are” is predetermined by our
genome. However, through modern research
on genetically inherited diseases like BRCA1 (predisposition to breast cancer)
and PKU (phenylketonuria) we can prove inaccuracies in modern science. Also, by
understanding the limitations with current modern science like The Human Genome
Project we can further understand how incomplete genetic determinism is. Lewontin’s
theories in Biology as an Ideology supports
genetic determinism to be incomplete. There are environmental factors that also
contribute to a human’s phenotype and genotype variation that complicates
specific genetic inheritance. In, Lilith’s
Brood, Butler shows the Oankali’s inaccuracies of the current human
generation and through their misunderstandings tries to prove to the reader the
inaccuracies of modern science. The Oankali’s misunderstandings on genetics are
metaphorically shown by Akin and Jodahs, constructs from Oankali-human hybrid
breeding, and their external and internal struggle. Butler uses the Oankali, representing
the faults of modern science, shown by ideals of Lewontin and scientific
research which offer a more complete solution for science institutions.
First, it’s important to understand the science behind
the theory of genetic determinism. In Biology
as an Ideology, Lewontin explains the foundation of this theory stating,
“organisms are nothing but the battle ground between the outside forces and the
inside forces. Organisms are the passive consequences of external and internal
activities beyond their control” (Lewontin109). This meaning genetic
determinist believe our genetically inherited DNA solely creates our phenotype.
This view states that we are separate from the outside world, the environment, and
that we only interact but are not influenced by such environmental factors.
Therefore, as individuals we are created by the “inside” forces-genotypes and
explicitly separated from the “outside” forces that is our environment.
However, there’s an argument to this theory that starts
the conflict between “nature” and “nurture”. Genetic determinist are cleverly
deemed the “nature” side of this conflict because of their belief that we are
made up by our “nature”, our genome. Consequently, the “nurture” view supports environment
significance in creating individuals. Lewontin’s theories explain that “nature”
and “nurture” combined create our phenotype. This supports the incompleteness
of genetic determinism because both our genome and environmental factors
contribute to create our overall phenotype and human characteristics. Picture
it this way, when someone goes on trial, they present a case, explaining the
situation and then a jury votes on their punishment. Let’s say a man killed his
father (dramatic I know but I promise I’m trying to prove a point) and the
lawyer presents his case, stating this man had a family history of bipolar
disorder and his dad abused him as a child; which factors would influence the
jury’s decision on his sentence? Both the man’s possible inheritance of bipolar
disorder, traumatic childhood and emotional instability with his father all contribute
into motives for reasons he killed his father. Now, of course this doesn’t make
what he did right, I’m simply stating you can’t ignore one factor from another
they both contribute to who this man is and why he killed his father. This can
be brought back to explaining our phenotype, showing that as individuals we are
made of both these genomic and environmental influences. Lewontin summarizes
this theory stating, “History far transcends any narrow limitations that are
claimed for either the power of genes or the power of the environment to
circumscribe us. Like the House of Lords that destroyed its own power to limit
the political development of Britain in the successive Reform Acts to which
assented, so the genes, in making possible the development of human
consciousness, have surrendered their power both to determine the individual
and its environment” (Lewontin 123).
Lewontin symbolically supports his own theory. Lewontin
has bipolar disorder which was likely worsened through his abusive father. This
being sad it can be assumed his father also was mentally ill. This combination
of his possible genetically inherited mental illness and abusive childhood
caused Lewontin to severely suffer from bipolar disorder. Both factors- his
childhood and mental health contribute to Lewontin’s current state.
Other scientists support Lewontin’s theory through scientific
research. “An individual’s phenotype is often as much a product of the
environment as it is a product of the genotype” (Freeman, Quillan, &
Allison 273). One example of environmental influence is seen through research
on the genetically inherited disease phenylketonuria (PKU) which causes
individuals to enzymatically convert phenylalanine to tyrosine. This results in
an accumulation of phenylpyruvic acid which causes mental retardation. However,
an individual who inherits this disease isn’t predetermined to have mental
retardation; newborns can be tested for the disease and if identified early and
placed on a low phenylalanine diet can develop normally. Thus individuals
treated with PKU but develop into healthy adults prove that those with certain
genetic disease are neither predetermined to their disease’s symptoms nor
singularly controlled by their genes. Also, research on the BRCA1, a
genetically inherited predisposition to breast cancer, proves this theory to be
true. Anyone with the defected gene increases their chance of getting breast
cancer by 60-90%. However, having BRCA1 does not guarantee you will have breast
cancer. There are possible solutions to curing an individual with breast cancer
or avoiding the possibility of getting breast cancer altogether. For example,
surgical procedures like a mastectomy- surgically removing the entire breast
tissue can eradicate the possibility of getting the cancer as well as literally
“cutting out” the cancer of those infected. Both these genetically inherited
diseases represent how incomplete genetic determinism is. The individuals are
controlled by both their genotype as well as environmental factors which ultimately
contributed to their phenotype.
With any scientific theory there’s opposition, in this
case genetic determinist which correlates directly to the Oankali’s belief that
they can genetically predetermine a hybrid human-Oankali offspring. The Oankali
may be an alien species but their thought process isn’t too far from earth,
many contemporary scientist follow the theory of genetic determinism with
projects like the Human Genome Project (HGP). “HGP researchers have deciphered
the human genome in three major ways: determining the order, or
"sequence," of all the bases in our genome's DNA; making maps that
show the locations of genes for major sections of all our chromosomes; and
producing what are called linkage maps, complex versions of the type originated
in early Drosophilaresearch, through which inherited traits (such
as those for genetic disease) can be tracked over generations.” (National Human
Genome Research Institution). The theory behind the HGP is to create a “blueprint”
of the human genome with a goal to eventually use this “blueprint” and compare it
to any individual’s genome. The HGP takes linkage mapping to determine if
individual’s DNA has certain diseases or not. This meaning, they locate mutations
on certain chromosomes for certain diseases and if the individual’s DNA has the
same mutation in the same location than they have this disease. This essentially
would determine every human’s genomic make-up and one could find out what
disease they will inevitably acquire if not already have and other mutations
and predispositions. However, this has not yet been accomplished. The HGP still
has a long way before being deemed completely scientifically accurate and
precise. There are many misconceptions that go with the current state of the HGP
as well. An article in the New York Times, My
Genome, My Self, by Steven Pinker best
describes these limitations, “Our genes are a big part of what we are. But even
knowing the totality of genetic predictors, there will be many things about
ourselves that no genome scan — and for that matter, no demographic checklist —
will ever reveal”. (citation?) Pinker was asked to participate in the project
and got his genome sequenced (or as much of it as they could). Essentially the
sequencing gave Pinker percentages of “who he was” like a higher chance of baldness
therefore he should be bald and a low risk of prostate cancer therefore he won’t
get prostate cancer in his lifetime. It is incorrect to state that the HGP is predetermining
an individual’s personal and physical state because it simply can’t. Currently
modern medicine and technology is nowhere near advance enough to accurately
state that the HGP’s linkage mapping is correct. Even if it were, they can only
give a percentage, a likely hood of the outcome of these findings. “For some
conditions, like Huntington’s disease, genetic determinism is simply correct:
everyone with the defective gene who lives long enough will develop the
condition. But for most other traits, any influence of the genes will be
probabilistic. Having a version of a gene may change the odds, making you more
or less likely to have a trait, all things being equal, but as we shall see,
the actual outcome depends on a tangle of other circumstances as well”
(citation?). This same theory can be seen through the Oankali. The Oankali are
described as having their own “blueprint” to predetermine and genetically
modify a hybrid offspring population. However, this “blueprint” itself cannot
possibly predetermine the outcome of the hybrid offspring. Overall this hybrid-human-Oankali
population will have variations that cannot be known. Based off of scientific
research like that of BRCA1 and PKU diseases we understand that such blueprints
are inaccurate because they lack significant environmental factors that do contribute
to a human’s genome. The Oankali’s in Lilith’s
Brood represent modern scientists and their misconceptions of genetic
determinism. Such projects like the HGP and Oankali’s “trading” to create a hybrid
offspring population are limited because they do not account for other factors
like the environment that are just as important as genetics when creating a human.
The Oankali’s
inaccuracies are subtly shown throughout Lilith’s
Brood. “We used to treat animals that way, we did things to them
inoculations, surgery, and isolation- all for their own good. It scares me to
have people doing things to me that I don’t understand” (Butler 33). The
Oankali do not account for psychological factors that greatly effect Lilith
during her entrapment. “You shouldn’t have isolated any of us unless your
purpose was to drive us insane. You almost succeeded with me more than once.
Humans need one another” (Butler 19). They do not understand emotional and
psychological aspects of humanity which limits their accuracy in reproducing with
our genes. The Oankali’s ignorance is a metaphor for modern scientist’s own
ignorance with genetics. The HGP has great consequences if modern scientist
truly do believe in genetic determinism. The general knowledge of an
individuals’ genome can be used against them, for example if someone is shown
to have a gene of Huntington’s disease and this information is given out as
public knowledge it will put the individual at a disadvantage, limiting their
chances of getting good health care or a stable job because who wants to invest
on someone who eventually won’t be able to control their own body (it’s a cruel
world)? However, Butler does the very opposite of what the Oankali and genetic
determinist eventually do to themselves; instead of loss of hope she instills
it by using Akin and Jodahs to show the opportunity for better science. The
Oankali are a metaphor for modern genetic determinist, where the Oankali fail
to account for environmental factors so do modern scientist. Akin and Jodahs
are symbolic of better scientific methods that can be used in the future.
Butler instills hope in the Lilith’s
Brood, first through Lilith’s hope for human survival and improvement, then
by Akin’s acknowledgement of human change and tolerance and finally all put
together by Jodahs’ adaptability and eventual compromise with both species to
form a truly hybrid generation. It’s important to understand that a true hybrid
generation would not be possible without Lilith, Akin and Jodahs. Also, the
Oankali were unprepared for the outcomes of Akin and Jodahs metamorphosis-
their physical change into adulthood. Akin is a human-Oankali hybrid male who
looks similar to human species which inevitably causes his capture from a group
of human resisters- those who refuse to reproduce “trade” with the Oankali. After
being released from confinement he continues to go back and visit the human
resisters and forms emotional bonds with. After Akin’s metamorphosis all his
physical similarity with the human species disappears but instead of turning
against Akin they show their ability to tolerate difference and change which
leads Akin to advocate for the human’s to have their own independent lives on
mars. The Oankali had no way of understanding let alone predetermining the
psychological factors Akin went through as a construct. The transformation for
Akin was literally both external and internal and without both factors
contributed to Akin’s ability to advocate for the human-only Mars population as
well as save the hybrid-Oankali species. Another misconception of Oankali was
shown through Jodahs the first human-Ooloi construct. Jodahs was seen as very
dangerous and unpredictable. The Oankali were even “surprised” to find that
Jodahs could shape shift. This “unknown” scared the Oankali population and
Jodahs with Lilith and the rest of their family was isolated in the deep parts
of the woods, where Jodahs became increasingly depressed, physically losing its
“sense of self” turning into a sluggish body creature. However, Jodahs physical
shape-shifting eventually provided useful when he seduced and saved an inbred,
fertile human community. This was the missing link to the Oankali-human
connection- many humans accepted the difference and joined the –Oankali-human
families while the fertile humans joined Akin’s human-only population on Mars. The
Oankali had many limitations when creating the hybrid offspring. A major factor
that they never contributed was Akin’s and Jodahs’ psychological trauma of belonging
to both species that were so unequal. Another factor, was Jodahs’ physical shape-shifting
that was a completely knew physical trait for an Ooloi. Where the Oankali fail
thus the genetic determinists fail- they cannot possibly precisely and scientifically
contribute all the factors that make up the hybrid offspring. However, Butler
uses the Oankali’s failure as inspiration for scientific prosper. Butler
instills hope seen through Lilith’s own hope and the other humans who have
survived that there is chance of improvement. Lilith is symbolic of hope
whereas Akin of change, and Jodahs of proven solution. Lilith represents the
incompleteness- hope for the Oankali to fail (which they did, some humans
remained fertile) and humanity to grow. Akin represents their limiations- the humans
could adapt to difference and accept where the Oankali deemed them incapable. Lastly,
Jodahs is the better method, the compromise the fact that genetic determinism
is incomplete and thus there are better solutions possible. Lewontin supports all
of them because Lewontin supports the misconception of genetic determinism. “Perhaps
they could find an answer to what the Oankali had done to them. And perhaps the
Oankali were not perfect. A few fertile people might slip through and find one
another. Perhaps learn and run! If
she were lost, others did not have to be. Humanity did not have to be” (Butler
In conclusion, there are many beliefs as to what
determines a human. The questions of what makes up our phenotype- our sense of
style, problem solving skills and skin tone is constantly debated over science
history. Many modern scientist like those creating the HGP believe in genetic
determinism- that our genome is solely predetermined by our genetic
inheritance. However, there is sound research like that of BRCA1 and PKU
inherited diseases that prove this cannot be true. Environmental factors have
such a significant role in what creates a human’s phenotype a simple conclusion
has to be made- genetic determinism is incomplete. In Lilith’s Brood Butler uses the Oankali’s inaccuracies and
misconceptions to portray the limitations of contemporary scientists. Lilith
through her own hope instills to the reader hope for improvement. Akin, shows
the ability for change and combined Jodahs shows there are solutions for better
science methods.
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